Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My YWAM Mexico City Graduation & My return Home Colleyville Tx

You Do The Possible & I Will Do The Impossible

 On Aug 27 I graduated my DTS from YWAM Mexico City! What a great day that was. I am now able to be on staff anywhere in the world with Youth With A Mission, and I have chosen to be a part of the Mexico City staff. I love the work we do here and the people.

My Return Home, Colleyville Tx

I came home for 2 reasons:
1. Get monthly Supporters
2. Go to my Doctor for my back
And of course to visit my family & friends and get a little rest & relaxation.
I was unsure exactly how I would be able to go back to Mexico City for 2 years due to the fact I had no monthly supporters, and needed $500 a month.  I was also unsure what the doctor would say about my back, if I would need surgery. God gave me a word, He said for me to do the possible and He would do the impossible, and He did!
Miracle number 1 - My second day home the Ft. Worth Star Telegram came to my home to conduct a interview of my work in Mexico & Brazil helping victims get out of human trafficking. Plus they did a video interview, which I was not prepared for. This interview was the beginning of that "impossible"! Ft.Worth Star Telegram Article Ft.Worth Star Telegram Video
Miracle number 2 - The next impossible was a call from LifeToday with Pastor James & Betty Robison. Pastor Roberson is a avid newspaper reader and read my article, he then asked his secretary to find me. His secretary pulled my article up on the internet and was in shock, I just happened to be her neighbor, plus I babysat her daughter many years ago.
 I was asked to be a special guest on the Life Today show and Pastor Roberson presented me with a check to help support my ministry! This was the beginning of many soon to come checks from different avenues. After that I began speaking at several ladies bible study groups, where God continued to show me His financial support.
Miracle number 3 - I went to my doctor to find out what exactly was wrong with my back and to see if I needed surgery. I had my MRI and was referred to a spinal specialist. Through my aunt, I was connected with Victory Chiropractor, unfortunately my insurance did not cover his services. They decided to see me anyway! He has been treating me now for the last 7 weeks and without surgery, I was able to throw out my back brace and all medications.
Miracle number 4 - I spoke at Fields Of Faith where over 1,000 kids showed up. God told me to use the verse Jer 1:7-8, that as young people God has given you authority to go and speak about Him. Speaking at Fields Of Faith
Miracle number 5 - I was introduced to Grace Resources. They took me to lunch and listened to my story and before I left I was handed a check!
Miracle number 6 - God ordained appointment - by chance I meet an amazing woman named Anna, from The Lash Lounge. I was fortunate enough to spend the afternoon with her & her staff. God showed up there as well. He has instantly bonded us to improve the life of many rescued girls and to the ones that need to be rescued.

Miracle number 7 - People from all over began to contact me for speaking engagements. I received gifts and letters in the mail from people, even my 5th grade teacher. I have now been able to share my story to ladies, mens, teens & adult life groups/Bible studies, and youth groups. Plus 2 very special ladies from one of the ladies bible studies have supported me in a big way by providing me with substantial funds! My next speaking engagement will be on Dec. 19 at the Colleyville Lions Club at 7am when I return from Mexico for 10 days.
Miracle number 8 - We were also able to have 2 fundraisers, one at  Twisted Root in Bedford and another at California Pizza Kitchen. There I was able to reconnect with a couple that used to babysit me when I was a little girl, they also gave me a check!
Miracle number 9 - I got a tattoo! My tattoo says VICTORIOUS in hebrew. It is a daily reminder that God made me victorious in my freedom over rejection.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Brazil the World Cup Human Trafficking

Did you know that large sporting events draws in the most traffickers? Did you know that many of these traffickers are bringing underage girls against their will? You may think, no that does not happen here in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area, think again, check your facts. Not only does it happen here but it is a worldwide problem, especially at events such as The World Cup, Super Bowl, The Olympics, etc. "When large sporting events come to town, young girls are at heavy risk" Operation Blessing Follow me as I have journeyed through the biggest international sporting event The World Cup and as I witness slavery today Human Trafficking We went to Brazil on June 13 to begin our journey following the World Cup and working with 1 REAL, RYOT, Operation Blessing, and Stop The Traffik in the fight against sex trafficking. We have travelled to 8 cities in one month, which began in Sao Paulo. We showed the documentary, The Other Side Of The Coin, and worked with other organizations handing out anti-trafficking material, plus had many block parties. Block parties are where we go into the red light districts and give manicures, food, and gift bags but most importantly give hope and love. We were able to visit a rescue home, where we got to cook for the girls and fellowship with them. We also got to preach at local churches to young kids. Traveling around from place to place, living with others and not speaking the language has been very challenging for me. However its been heartbreaking to see some of the conditions people live in and hearing stories of the young kids trafficked. It is still unimaginable for me and incomprehensible to see the amount of abuse these kids face day to day. God has been doing many miracles and I have seen many eyes opened and hearts changed to this inhumane act. I will continue my work here in Brazil until Aug.19. I will be graduating from my DTS on Aug.27, in Mexico City and on Aug.31 I will be returning to the States temporarily. I am so amazed how God has provided for me during this time. So many times I thought I would not make it due to financial reasons, and just when I needed to pay something, even if it was the very last day, the money would show up. I am so very thankful for all of my supporters, you have truly made a difference for me to be able to help so many others. My back has still been under severe attack. I will return home to visit my physician and decided what needs to be done for a full recovery. I will also be visiting all my friends and family, can't wait! I feel God calling me to make a commitment to YWAM in Mexico City for the next 2 years. With this said, I will need supporters. My fee's will be $400 a month, any amount of monthly donations would be greatly appreciated. If interested please message me.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Check out my new website: Rejoice2Rescue 
This past month has been an emotional up and down roller coaster! From believing in God financially to experiencing both my parents coming to share my passion with me for the lost girls.

I was able to share the good news of the new transition home for girls rescued from human trafficking. These girls will have an opportunity to move into the transition  home while they work or study after some requirements are made. This process is to teach them life skills and financial responsibility. We have been praying for this for a long time and God has made it happen!! There are two girls living in the home currently and we hope to see many more. Thank you to all our many donators, the entire home was fixed up and furnished by donations. 

  I was also able to share in our street kids ministry, prostitution ministry, homeless ministry and park worship.

 My most impactful mission is here in Brazil. We are here during the World Cup, which is the most trafficked event in the World. We have partnered with 1REAL and Operational Blessing to fight against human trafficking during this popular sporting event.
1 Real (50¢) - The Other Side Of The Coin - is a documentary and movement to bring an end to sex trafficking in Brazil 
Operational Blessing - BRAZIL – Not far from a popular soccer stadium near her home, 11-year-old Júlia (*name changed to protect identity) waits. A family member will sell her to the next interested passerby for just 45¢.Girls like Júlia, some as young as seven years old, are the victims of a ruthless trade—human trafficking. The billion dollar industry exacts a heavy toll: the freedom of innocent children.
When large sporting events come to town, girls like Júlia are a premium, and this month, FIFA World Cup matches are happening just down the street.

 I could not be happier than to be doing what God has called me to do, every girl that I see, I am thinking "this could be my little sister and how can I help her".  Please continue to join in with me in prayer for protection, guidance, strength and financial support. I still need to raise 1,800.00 to be able to finish my work here in Brazil. I want to thank all who have helped make this possible especially for my Aunt Hannah & Uncle David for purchasing my flight to Brazil! I would not have made it here without your generous donation. Thank you all for helping me to help the hurting!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Youth With A Mission DTS

The Month of March was very exciting and lots of learning for me. I returned from Mazatlan back to  Mexico City with a word from God. The word was for me to enroll in the Discipleship Training School and continue my work with trafficked victims. Upon my return I was unsure how this would be possible, finances being my largest concern. I am glad to know God is my provider and not me! My leader told me that the Lord had told her "one more person will join", so she wrote my name on the new books for the training school and it all began there.  The lessons for our DTS are for 11 weeks of class room lectures. The 1st wk - Jesus Beyond the Cross
2ed wk - Hearing the Voice of The Lord and Intercession
3ed wk - The Fathers Heart
4th wk - The Character of God

We also continue our distribution, street kids ministry, and rescue & recovery efforts.

We were able to attend an amazing Anti-Trafficking Conference presented by operation/BLESSING.  Modern-Day slavery is not only thriving but exploding all over the world. The human toll from this evil activity is vast, but with your help we are making a difference.  I am not looking to only rescue victims, I am looking to end human trafficking. The issues the conference addressed were:

1. How are you working to prevent child trafficking?
2. What are you doing to actively help victims?
3. What resolution services do you provide?

From the Field: We were able to rescue a young trafficked victim (Christiana). We were able to provide her with a place to stay before helping her to return back home safely.  She was very scared and unsure what her future would hold, however we know through Gods mercy and redemption, she will be healed and restored!
There are many Salvations that take place during our time of ministry. I have become very close to many of the prostitutes and truly care about their well
being and hearts. The Lord gave me a picture for one of the girls. I saw a vision of the outside world, all the beautiful colors and all that God created. God told me to tell her "this is all for you, and is His way of telling you He loves you". When I told her about the picture she began to cry and said, "I know now that Jesus does love me". Such hope is particularly important for these girls who are locked up and rarely see the light of day and any of the beauty of Gods creations.
Lion Of Judah

During our intercession time God gave me a prophetic painting

Blossoming Tree
Blossoming Tree    This one is from my dear friend Anastashia.  I am planted
firmly and will never die,
growing beautiful blooming
Spiritual Gifts.                                                                                                          Lion Of Judah                                                                   My sister in Christ Martha  drew this!                                                               Powerful in many ways. Walk in what God has called for you,  BE BOLD!
I got to celebrate my Birthday in Mexico! When you have a birthday here they go all out!! It's great, starting at 12 midnight on March 24 I was awoken by my crazy friends singing me Happy Birthday! The day continued to get better, a video of my 19 years growing up, my little brothers kindergarden class singing me happy birthday, many cards, letters and financial support! Thank you to all who blessed me!

HUMAN TRAFFICKING:  The most pressing event on my heart will be our upcoming trip to Brazil. We will be taking our rescue effort to the next level! We will take our team to Brazil for the World
Cup. This forum is one of the top sex trafficking venues in the world. Girls will be shipped from all over the world by traffickers and organized crime. We want to make an impact by saving as many girls as possible. We will be there for 3 months scouting likely trafficking sites and placing team members where they will be most needed. In order for me to assist this team in this crucial effort I need to raise 4,000 for flights, lodging, food and supplies for girls. Any donations for this trip will be extremely appreciated.

Please also continue to pray for my back issue, the enemy is trying to get me off plan, but I am standing firm Isaiah 53:5!
My new website Rejoice2Rescue

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rescue victims in Mazatlan

The Month of February has been very exciting, adventurous and busy. To start the month of Valentines off, we made a Wall of Love. We put up hearts with staff members names on it and prayed for them daily for a prophetic word from God. We would also pray for whomever we encounted during our street ministry time and wrote words of encouragement on paper and handed them out.

During our times of ministry we were able to pray with many on the streets including a "madam" who asked us to leave. A few days after we had prayed with her, she was arrested for trafficking, which was a huge miracle!
    On Feb. 14, we took out many teams to the red zone district where sex trafficking, prostitution, and the homeless live and work. We brought flowers, hair products, and manicure supplies to hand out and give the girls beauty treatments. There were many salvations and a movement by the Holy Spirit. We made it on the local news that night, http://bcove.me/fvfggrle.
However the most impactful time our team had was our trip to Mazatlan during Carnaval. I was able to attend as a staff member and lead a team fighting against sex trafficking.  Carnaval is one of the largest sex trafficking events in the country.  Carnaval goes on a two weeks before Lent and Mazatlan is the 3rd largest carnival celebration in the world. This multi-day "Mardi Gras" brings in people from all over the world in addition to large traffickers with many under age victims. We wanted to educated the crowd regarding the signs of sex traffickers, and wanted to find victims. I placed my team on the outside gates of Carnaval, we tied our hands and bodies together with signs around our neck. At the beginning of the line the first sign read "Mexico is the 2d largest sex trafficking country in the world". The following signs read,  "It started with porn", "I am 13, "It's not my child". The last sign read, "Now you can't say you didn't know". This was an extremely powerful message that reached many.

I am so blessed to be a part of these rescue, recovery, and teaching others of one of the worlds largest and most damaging acts to our society. Most of my work is done for these in slavery to find freedom, some of these girls that are rescued do not go back to their family, if they had one. They end up spending much time in recovery with their "new family". There they learn what true love, God's redeeming love is and have a plan and hope for their future. The opportunity to be able to give hope to these girls and to help others that are directly involved is my greatest mission.      God has really been speaking to my heart regarding what more can I do. God has confirmed to me that He wants me to attend Discipleship Training School with YWAM here in Mexico City. This will enable me to be more knowledgeable in the Bible, Money Management, and the legal system in Mexico. From this I will be able to be a staff leader in YWAM but most importantly to lead others in the fight against trafficking.
  In order to do this I need financial support from you. I am asking for you to make a commitment of $20 a month over the next 5 months (of course more than that would be great). This will enable me to   attend the Discipleship Training School and help me pursue the destiny God has for my life in fighting against sex trafficking. https://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/rescue-sex-traffic-victims/119642

Monday, February 10, 2014

Street Worship

YWAM is such a personal and relational organization. I was here only 3 weeks and they published this story about my decision to do missionary work and related some of my experience in the field. http://www.ywamcmc.com/blog/

 Mexico is the 2d largest country for Sex Traffickers. We have been rescuing sex trafficked victims in the streets of Mexico City and providing them with places to stay and training so they can have a new life.  To accomplish this mission we  perform street ministry to reach the girls and then  partner with rescue homes and training programs to break the cycle of abuse and manipulation.

We perform street ministry at night to reach the victims as well as outreach during the day with both sex trafficked victims and street kids. 

Meet Ale, she was rescued in July of 2013 and is now teaching in high schools all across Mexico City about awareness of traffickers and the victims. After rescue comes recovery, through the Word of God and sharing His love enables us to see the greatest results. Help me to continue to heal the broken.  https://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/rescue-sex-traffic-victims/119642 

I was fortunate enough to be invited to the wedding of Chris Edwards. Chris is the base leader of YWAM CMC and a huge inspiration to the staff. 

We were fortunate enough to take our staff photo's for YWAM CMC, afterwards we began to break out in worship in the Square. We will be traveling to Mazatlan during Carnaval to reach both the lost and sex trafficking victims from Feb. 24th - Mar. 5th. Your prayers and support are much appreciated.
