Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Brazil the World Cup Human Trafficking

Did you know that large sporting events draws in the most traffickers? Did you know that many of these traffickers are bringing underage girls against their will? You may think, no that does not happen here in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area, think again, check your facts. Not only does it happen here but it is a worldwide problem, especially at events such as The World Cup, Super Bowl, The Olympics, etc. "When large sporting events come to town, young girls are at heavy risk" Operation Blessing Follow me as I have journeyed through the biggest international sporting event The World Cup and as I witness slavery today Human Trafficking We went to Brazil on June 13 to begin our journey following the World Cup and working with 1 REAL, RYOT, Operation Blessing, and Stop The Traffik in the fight against sex trafficking. We have travelled to 8 cities in one month, which began in Sao Paulo. We showed the documentary, The Other Side Of The Coin, and worked with other organizations handing out anti-trafficking material, plus had many block parties. Block parties are where we go into the red light districts and give manicures, food, and gift bags but most importantly give hope and love. We were able to visit a rescue home, where we got to cook for the girls and fellowship with them. We also got to preach at local churches to young kids. Traveling around from place to place, living with others and not speaking the language has been very challenging for me. However its been heartbreaking to see some of the conditions people live in and hearing stories of the young kids trafficked. It is still unimaginable for me and incomprehensible to see the amount of abuse these kids face day to day. God has been doing many miracles and I have seen many eyes opened and hearts changed to this inhumane act. I will continue my work here in Brazil until Aug.19. I will be graduating from my DTS on Aug.27, in Mexico City and on Aug.31 I will be returning to the States temporarily. I am so amazed how God has provided for me during this time. So many times I thought I would not make it due to financial reasons, and just when I needed to pay something, even if it was the very last day, the money would show up. I am so very thankful for all of my supporters, you have truly made a difference for me to be able to help so many others. My back has still been under severe attack. I will return home to visit my physician and decided what needs to be done for a full recovery. I will also be visiting all my friends and family, can't wait! I feel God calling me to make a commitment to YWAM in Mexico City for the next 2 years. With this said, I will need supporters. My fee's will be $400 a month, any amount of monthly donations would be greatly appreciated. If interested please message me.