Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My YWAM Mexico City Graduation & My return Home Colleyville Tx

You Do The Possible & I Will Do The Impossible

 On Aug 27 I graduated my DTS from YWAM Mexico City! What a great day that was. I am now able to be on staff anywhere in the world with Youth With A Mission, and I have chosen to be a part of the Mexico City staff. I love the work we do here and the people.

My Return Home, Colleyville Tx

I came home for 2 reasons:
1. Get monthly Supporters
2. Go to my Doctor for my back
And of course to visit my family & friends and get a little rest & relaxation.
I was unsure exactly how I would be able to go back to Mexico City for 2 years due to the fact I had no monthly supporters, and needed $500 a month.  I was also unsure what the doctor would say about my back, if I would need surgery. God gave me a word, He said for me to do the possible and He would do the impossible, and He did!
Miracle number 1 - My second day home the Ft. Worth Star Telegram came to my home to conduct a interview of my work in Mexico & Brazil helping victims get out of human trafficking. Plus they did a video interview, which I was not prepared for. This interview was the beginning of that "impossible"! Ft.Worth Star Telegram Article Ft.Worth Star Telegram Video
Miracle number 2 - The next impossible was a call from LifeToday with Pastor James & Betty Robison. Pastor Roberson is a avid newspaper reader and read my article, he then asked his secretary to find me. His secretary pulled my article up on the internet and was in shock, I just happened to be her neighbor, plus I babysat her daughter many years ago.
 I was asked to be a special guest on the Life Today show and Pastor Roberson presented me with a check to help support my ministry! This was the beginning of many soon to come checks from different avenues. After that I began speaking at several ladies bible study groups, where God continued to show me His financial support.
Miracle number 3 - I went to my doctor to find out what exactly was wrong with my back and to see if I needed surgery. I had my MRI and was referred to a spinal specialist. Through my aunt, I was connected with Victory Chiropractor, unfortunately my insurance did not cover his services. They decided to see me anyway! He has been treating me now for the last 7 weeks and without surgery, I was able to throw out my back brace and all medications.
Miracle number 4 - I spoke at Fields Of Faith where over 1,000 kids showed up. God told me to use the verse Jer 1:7-8, that as young people God has given you authority to go and speak about Him. Speaking at Fields Of Faith
Miracle number 5 - I was introduced to Grace Resources. They took me to lunch and listened to my story and before I left I was handed a check!
Miracle number 6 - God ordained appointment - by chance I meet an amazing woman named Anna, from The Lash Lounge. I was fortunate enough to spend the afternoon with her & her staff. God showed up there as well. He has instantly bonded us to improve the life of many rescued girls and to the ones that need to be rescued.

Miracle number 7 - People from all over began to contact me for speaking engagements. I received gifts and letters in the mail from people, even my 5th grade teacher. I have now been able to share my story to ladies, mens, teens & adult life groups/Bible studies, and youth groups. Plus 2 very special ladies from one of the ladies bible studies have supported me in a big way by providing me with substantial funds! My next speaking engagement will be on Dec. 19 at the Colleyville Lions Club at 7am when I return from Mexico for 10 days.
Miracle number 8 - We were also able to have 2 fundraisers, one at  Twisted Root in Bedford and another at California Pizza Kitchen. There I was able to reconnect with a couple that used to babysit me when I was a little girl, they also gave me a check!
Miracle number 9 - I got a tattoo! My tattoo says VICTORIOUS in hebrew. It is a daily reminder that God made me victorious in my freedom over rejection.