Tuesday, May 12, 2015

God is Good

Our journey as one began recently. It's had its ups and downs; but in every moment, God is graceful. The Lord opened the doors not too long ago for us to live outside of the base. Though it's only been a few days, I love our home! It's sweet, it's special, and God is here. Whenever any of you readers decide you want to explore our world a bit, take the time to come and stay with us here in Mexico City! Everyone is welcome with the doors wide open! 

I am excited for this new season of marriage and the building of a home to be starting. It's a strange feeling to have adjusted to an atmosphere and culture and then moving to a brand new one where you can how you want it to feel. I love learning with my husband about our different ways of being raised and now joining them together as one.

Since we just received the keys to our apartment, we are still in the process of making it homey and that's where you guys come in! As most of you have supported me in the past (which I am very blessed by) this time I am going to ask for a greater commitment! We are in need of monthly supporters. People who will commit to send from the smallest to largest amount they can think of every month. I know our God is good and He provides, but we need you guys just as much. I love loving all my girls here and my friends on the street but I need your help to continue doing just that. Come join us someday and see for yourself if you don't understand. Step out of your comforter zone and love hard. 

Let's build His kingdom together!

Our Story

I'm living the rest of my life with my best friend!! Most of you are probably wondering where this random man in my life came from...so I thought it would be fun to share our story! 

I arrived to Mexico City in November 2013 where Rodrigo claims to say he metme. He says he remembers me very well because I wasn't wearing shoes (that isn’t uncommon I Mexico). Although I don't remember it, that was the first moment we met. Months later, on March 10th, sa2014, I began our six month journey of DTS. That is where I remember meeting Rodrigo, but even then I thought nothing of it. I didn’t seen there in that moment what the Lord had in store for me. In fact it took me a very long time to hear exactly what the Lord was speaking to me.

As most of you know, at the beginning of my school I damaged my spine. I had damaged it so poorly that my leader said she did not see how I would be able to go on outreach with them, because I was unable to walk a lot, I could not carry a backpack, and we had no idea where we would be sleeping most nights. For me, that was when the challenge seemed impossible. And I didn't understand why the Lord was telling me to do the school when I (thought) I didn't want to do it. In all of the chaos, this is where he step in. This is where Rodrigo had something to say. As a loyal peer, Rodrigo came to me confused, not understanding why I was unable to go to Brazil with everyone. Once I explained the situation to him, Rodrigo knew our God worked out of the impossible. So he found a way to make it possible. Rodrigo told me he would fight for me. He said he would do everything I couldn't do for myself; my work duties, carrying my backpack, and carrying me days that I couldn't walk anymore. Which is exactly what he did do for me.

It was one of my biggest challenges the whole six months. To humble myself to a Mexican man who only wanted to serve me selflessly. It was challenging in all ways because of the fact he is a man, he is Mexican (like my father), and he served me without awaiting anything in return. I didn't understand how a man could do that for a woman or why he would wanted to do that for me. I felt undeserving of such a sort of love. The Lord really had to work on my heart and show me what Jesus paid for me on the cross. I looked to Jesus for my new identity, created through Him. Once I grasped hold of who Jesus is,  that's when I began to hear the Lord speaking to me of Rodrigo being the one for my forever.

My mind couldn't grasp what it was hearing there in that moment. I was fearful of not hearing correctly, because Rodrigo had become a dear friend to my heart. Rodrigo always came to me on how the Lord was talking to him about our friendship. That is where the feeling of fear grew even more. I told the Lord if He wanted this to be my husband, He had to talk to Rodrigo too. It wasn't until our last day in Brazil when Rodrigo opened up the door of the Lord speaking to him about how our relationship was going to become more profound.

To make this very long story shorter, here goes the end:  We prayed about starting a relationship and the Lord said no. We heard that we were supposed to get engaged and married, although the timing we were praying about wasn't the right time. Honestly there we moments Rodrigo and I didn't understand why would couldn't be in a relationship at the time and how we may not have walked into it correctly. But in December while he was away in Honduras the Lord spoke to us that we should have a wedding in April, the time of blooming. Rodrigo came back in March from Honduras a proposed to me and we began to plan our wedding. Although plans changed from having the wedding in Texas to having it Mexico, everything was beautiful. More than what I ever dreamed. All thanks to my family and friends supporting and helping in all ways they possible could. I'm now married to the man of my dreams. The man I never expected to meet, and falling more in love with Jesus since I found Rodrigo. This is the goodness of our God.