Wednesday, January 14, 2015

For My Sister, Angie League

On December 3rd, my mentor, Angie League who was 31 years old, went home to be with the Lord. This has been a tough season for me. I know we serve a good God, but it has been hard processing the passing of my sweet sister. I went home for the week of her funeral. There were actually two services, one in Louisiana where she lived and one in Dallas where she graduated from Christ for the Nations. I had the opportunity to speak at her service in Dallas which was very difficult for me to do. In the natural, I never would have been able to do this. But, once again, the Lord was My strength and He spoke through me. As I am still learning to walk through this season, your prayers are greatly appreciated....not only for me, but for rest of Angie's family and friends as her life impacted many. I wouldn't be the person I am today if God had not used Angie to her call out the potential in me. Prior to Angies going home an article was written about my journey in Society Life Magazine, where I dedicate the transformation of my life to Angie. She will forever be in her favorite place, Gods presence! Angie League  4/12/82-12/3/14.

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