Wednesday, January 14, 2015




Wedding Fund Picture Link

    The Lord has been so sweet! The Biggest news in my life (SURPRISE!!!)  is that I will be getting married April 26th in Grapevine, Texas.  I am marrying one of my fellow coworkers on the mission field, who's name is Rodrigo! :). The Lord has been speaking to me about him since August when we finished our Discipleship Training School and ministry in Brazil. The Lord spoke specifically to both of us about how He was developing a friendship between us that would lead to marriage. As most of you know (from the tattoo on my wrist), the Lord spoke to me regarding my name, (Victoria) which means "victorious".  Also, the Lord spoke to me regarding Rodrigo's name which means "He who bring glory". Then the Lord explained to both of us that as we walked along the path He has prepared for us it would bring "HIM GLORIOUS VICTORY"! Please pray for this new season of our lives as the Lord begins a glorious adventure on the mission field full of victory! We are so excited!

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