Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Staff in YWAM CMC!

In October I returned as a staff member at YWAM in Mexico City. The director of the base put me in charge of the kitchen! (Yikes!! What was he thinking). I am definitely out of my comfort zone in this area. My responsibilities are to buy all the food for the entire base for every meal and to cook, plus making sure that we stay within our kitchen budget.  I am also in charge of hospitality at the base, Ms. social that I am! God is really pressing me, disciplining me and calling out many talents I never knew I had. We had many teams arrive into the base this month which means we are very very busy.  Many times I have fallen under pressure with these new responsibilities, inconjunction with all of our other duties (street kids, homeless, & human trafficking ministry). I am reminded daily how God is the one who gives me strength and His power is so much greater than mine.
One of my favorite responsibilities though this is in leading intercession.  It is such a joy for me to have the privilege to pray with everyone who we come in contact with. Everyday has been a learning experience full of challenges. One of these challenges involved a substantial confrontation with corrupt authorities in Mexico City while doing our ministry work. Through prayer and divine intervention this confrontation turned into an opportunity to join with several partners enabling us to triple our forces in the streets. So when I am not on kitchen duty, ect.,  I am leading groups in the street ministry to the homeless and training the students to minister in the red light district. Jesus always amazes me in how He shows Himself  strong!

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