Wednesday, January 14, 2015



     It's that time again!! We are returning to Mazatlan for Carnival and I'm so excited!! Last year I had such a special encounter with the Lord. I had never experienced Him in such a mighty way before, and it was powerful! I am ready to return and see how the Lord will show up to do great and mighty things. I don't have the full details on everything yet, but we will be leaving February 9th for two weeks. I need to raise about $300 dollars for this trip, which includes: my flight, food, lodging and supplies for the trafficked victims.  
As I know more details,  I will let everyone know! 

Thank you for being apart of my wild and different journey. Everyone is a huge blessing in my life. Your prayers and support are very appreciated! Your contributions are helping to bring His kingdom to this earth right where you are by sending me to the nations to spread His good news.  Thank you and God bless you! 

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